Visit Us

Urban Craft Distillery Organic certified Distinctly Danish Kløvermarks Vej 70D 2300 Copenhagen

Welcome to Copenhagen Distillery, located in a city famous for its stunning architecture, rich history, thriving culinary and design scenes. Our distillery features an outdoor patio and cocktail bar, just a 10-minute bike ride from the city center. Relax and enjoy a drink while immersing yourself in the lively atmosphere or learning about our craft spirits. Our community is committed to sustainability and innovation. We can't wait to unveil the magic of this unique city with you.

Bike with the locals.

Become part of the city's vibrant culture by exploring the Danish capital on two wheels. With an extensive network of bike lanes, cycling in Copenhagen is not only convenient, it's a way of life. As you pedal through the city, make sure to swing by Copenhagen Distillery. Just a short bike ride from the city centre. Our distillery offers the perfect respite from your adventures, with an outdoor patio and cocktail bar where you can relax and enjoy a drink or two of our unique artisanal spirits and cocktails. 

We're looking forward to meet you!

Join us for a tour and tasting, or drop by our cocktail bar for a drink. Immerse yourself in our whisky tastings, delve into the rich history of Aquavit, or learn how to craft your own gin. We welcome both walk-ins and ticketed tours. Come and experience the magic of our unique artisanal spirits.